See What Our Clients Have To Say

When SWD takes on a client project it almost always turns into a long term relationship. We go the extra mile in showing our customers not only how to manage their sites going forward, but also best practices for search engine optimization (SEO)and solid foundation in understanding Google Analytics, Adwords and Webmaster Tools. This is the real secret to our success and that of our clients.

Special thank you to Dave with Spider Web Designs. He set up a beautiful website that we are very excited to have. New website has ERS integrated into it which is awesome! I would highly recommend his services he went above and beyond my expectations. Please check out the website: and let us know what you think? Thank you!

Dan & Ashlee,

Well, just finished reading "Internet Retailing 101" and all I can say is WOW. It really was like taking an online course. Some questions were answered, other questions were raised, and some things just went over my head. I already made a lot of changes to the website and followed a lot of Spider's suggestions and I swear after one week (that's how long it took to read and apply) I already see there's a positive difference in my search rankings. Now I'm at least on the first page when I wasn't before. I plan on reading it again in a month to see what else I can apply. It really was a great read.


I just wanted to drop you a line and say Thank You for the great job you did on our website. We get many compliments on it, and I want to pass them along to you.


I first reached out to Dave about a month ago because I was tired of paying a ton of $$ to google adwords. I was also pissed at my competator who has a crappy website that always shows up in the #1 or #2 position on Google while mine was buried. When you first talk to Dave it becomes obvious that not only does he REALLY know his stuff, he is a good guy and is easy to talk to. Having worked in the computer industry (tech support/software) I like to fancy myself as being "somewhat knowledgeable" when it comes to all things internet/computer related....until I met Dave. That said I never felt like Dave talked down to me. He explained things in a manner that was easy to comprehend and the steps/advice that he gave me on improving my advertising were easy to follow.

I also never realized how fractured my website really was until Dave got a hold of it. He didn't try and gouge me by suggesting $$$$'s worth of improvements. He knew what my budget was and quickly pointed out changes, that to my customers would seem minor, but on the back end of my page made a HUGE difference. I was so pleased with Dave's work that I would like to have him continue to make edits to my site going forward. In a sea of confusing often mixed messages about SEO and web page design, Dave is a voice of reason. If you are just starting out, and in need of SEO help, webpage design or general advice on the industry, Dave is your man. I can not wait to meet him in person and buy him the beer he so richly deserves. Thank you Dave!!!


It was worth the wait. I now have a new logo, business cards, graphics for game truck and a much needed new web site. He was quick and was able to exceed my expectations with his creativity. I now have lots of video on the web site to help show what we do. Check out He even got the link from my web site to my Facebook page setup. Feel free to use the Facebook link to like my page. Thanks Dave great job.


Dave does an awesome job. He updated my site and corrected my SEO...the results have been outstanding!
